Business Coach,
Keynote Speaker,
Dane Mom,
Find Kat's writing here:
Proceeds from this collaboration benefit Girls, Inc. Kat's chapter, "Breathe" talks about breaking the generational cascades that affect women in the workplace today. Get your copy today!
New book coming July, 2023!
Publications Kat wrote:
Publications Kat is featured in:
Sample Talks I give:
Kat Frey is the owner and founder of Oxygen Coaching Group and The Thalassa Group, speaker, author, and coach.
What started as Oxygen Equestrian, her brainchild of helping business professionals learn more about their body language and relationship styles through hands-on work with horses has turned into an elite training and coaching company where her experience in the intermodal transportation industry (BNSF & UP Railroads), industrial manufacturing industry, and wireless communication industry (Verizon Wireless) allows owners, managers, and business professions to learn more about how their actions affect every part of their results and how they contribute to their lives.
OCG has built programs such as the Tie Game Theory, Conflict to Growth, and the online calculator to determine the optimal rate of pay, B.L.I.S.S. ©™
Brought up in a family-owned business, the best lesson Kat learned was to stretch and risk which led to her being co-owner of multiple companies before developing OCG. This diverse background helps business owners and their teams see outside the box when looking to take their business and personal relationships to the next level. She is a Lean 6 Sigma Green Belt. She has post-secondary education in engineering, human resources, manufacturing engineering, and project management along with CAD/CAM.
Kat is an advocate of the American Lung Association, and a frequent volunteer with the young people in her community through programs like Sources of Strength, Girls on the Run, Just Keep Living Foundation, and High School Swim and Dive at her Alma Mater.
Her passions include her two adult children, reining horses, rescuing Great Danes, gardening, and running.
Kat’s daily goal is to take on life’s experiences, good and bad, and all that they teach you.